martes, 24 de agosto de 2010

Companions blogs

Our next task was to investigate our companions blogs:
Here are the links of the ones I like the most.

1. From Sara Baena, her post about the pygmalion effect and her organization and creativity.

2. From Daniel Uribe, since the beggining you catch the attention of the reader, your tittle is very catchy.

3. From Juliana Martinez, her post and the examples of the organizational behavior, resembles very good the important issues affecting this topic.

4. From Sabrina Finger, all her post and points of views, show an excellent writer. Not to mention the tittle of your blog it was phenomenal.

5. From Maria Camila Jaramillo, her post on the conference, was very interesting, she compare very good two country in many of the topics metion by the lecturer. Read it, it is very nice.

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